The Battle River research group always organized crop walks and annual field days in summer, allowing farmers to share and learn information, observe performance, and deliberate on technological attributes.
The BRRG field day commenced at 9:00 am on 26th July at battle river research group's long-term projects site, Galahad AB. The program started with the welcome speech of Donald Kroetch. (chairman of Battle River research group). There was a total of fifty-five attendees. All three speakers Grant Lastiwka, Mark Gjesdal, and Brian Kennedy shared their knowledge with attendees about perennial forages, flee beetle, cutworm control, and cereal varieties. The land view drone technology was there and demonstrated how drones could help us make our crop decisions. Dr. Khalil Ahmed, manager of Battle River Research Group, presented the effect of different N sources on wheat and barley varieties. The onsite food truck was there to provide hot lunch at noon, followed by general discussions with speakers and a research site tour.