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Cattle in Pasture

Comparison of Traditional Crop Inputs and Biostimulants Application on Wheat, Canola, and Peas in Alberta

Funded by: 


Canadian Agriculture Partnership Program


Khalil Ahmed PhD., P. Ag.


Small plot research was conducted to assess the use of commercially available biostimulants products and packages. The study was funded by the Canadian Agricultural Partnership fund (CAP). The duration of the project is 2019-2022. The study was established in central, southern and northern Alberta with the collaboration of BRRG, Farming Smarter and SARDA Ag Research.


To assess the use of commercially available biostimulants products and packages.


The established study's primary objective is to evaluate and compare commercially available biostimulants effects on canola, pea and wheat production. Six soil amendment treatments, including traditional, advanced, traditional + ATP Chemtrition, traditional + Alpine Phazed Nutrition Program, traditional + Stoller Canada Advanced Program and traditional + Penergetic (at seeding & foliar) were applied on wheat, canola and peas. For each crop, treatment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. The applied biostimulants packages did not show any significant differences for each crop at each research site in 2020.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the statistical significance of fixed factors assessed at α = 0.05. Post-hoc mean separation of statistically significant treatments was performed using least significant.


Managing Malt Genetics for Feed End-use

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